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In-Ground Treatment Kits

Fencing can be a big investment and one you are going to want to protect. We now offer a simple and easy solution to maintain your investment for many years to come. The in-ground treament kit will offer you peace of mind and ensure that your property remains the best looking on the street! And great news, its never too late to start treating your posts - even if rot is present!


Make the most of your Post and Rail Fence


If you have ever walked passed a power pole you may have noticed the small black plastic stopper at the bottom of the pole near ground level, this is the in-ground chemical treatment. The power pole industry has been using this treatment for over 30 years and has improved longevity of the poles from 29 years to an incredible 59 years.

Its never too late to use this treatment, even for posts that have started to rot.


What is an internal treatment kit?

Internal treatment kits are specifically designed for internal treatment of centre or heart rot in timber. Application is simple as the rods are in a solid form - unlike pastes or liquid. There is no specific regulation for handling other than good quality dry gloves - and it is essential to wash hands thoroughly before eating. Storage just needs to be dry and well ventilated, provided storage is satisfactory shelf life can be considered indefinitely.

What happens to timber over time?

What happens to timber over time?

With rainfall or in low lying areas where posts are consistently sitting in water, moisture can find its way longitudinally and radially into the wood grain.

Once the moisture is contained in the wood, and with exposure to oxygen in the soil or in the air, fungi can form and the decay process begins. Replacement of the timber post is now inevitable.


How do treatment kits work?

Chemical treatment rods are inserted into the in-ground portion of the post via a series of holes drilled just above the ground line and angled at approx, 20 degrees. If the moisture level inside the timber rises above 20% the chemical rods start to dissolve releasing the active ingredients. The boron and fluoride move through the timber using a process of diffusion and produce high concentrations of fungicide that will prevent fungi growth for the next 5-10 years.

Even if the moisture content is below 20% treatment rods should still be considered as a very good insurance for the future if conditions alter.

How do treatment kits work

Installing your treatment rods

You’ll receive a step-by-step installation guide with photos when you purchase your treatment kit. Treatment is very easy and not at all time consuming. You will need the following items. Italicised items are available here.

Internal Treatment PS10 Rods, PP12 Plastic Plugs, 13mm Auger Bit, Square Head Screw Driver, Protective gloves & Drill

How many rods do I need?

Count how many posts you have; based on 130 x 130mm post or larger, you will be drilling two holes per post and you need to allow 3 rods per hole. Therefore 6 rods per post. If you have smaller posts than 130 x130mm eg: 100 x 100mm, you would only be drilling one hole in the post and using 2 x rods in the hole; therefore 2 x rods per post. Posts such as 200 x 100mm still require 2 x holes and only 2 x rods per hole; therefore 4 x rods per post.

post and fencing rods

Drill holes approximately 100mm from ground level on a 20 degree angle into both sides of the post. Using a gloved hand insert 2-3 rods per hole (based on a 130 x 130mm post).

PP12 plastic plug

Fix it off with the PP12 plastic plug. Your post will now look like this. Once you have inserted rods into both sides of all your posts you have completed the in-ground chemical treatment.

Preschem Timber Protection Product Box

You can store the remainder of the rods in a dry, well ventilated place. You will need to check your posts in 5 years time to see if the rods have dispersed into the timber. If they have, clear the hole and simply add more rods.


Hole location for Treatment Rods

Use these tables to determine how many holes and their placement in each post.



In Ground Treatment Kit Online

How do I purchase the treatment kit?

Order your kit online, you can select each item you require and we will ship it out to you. They are sold in a box of 200 rods.

We can not seperate the rods for OHS reasons however once you buy the box, provided storage is satisfactory shelf life can be considered indefinitely. You can then easily retreat your posts in 5+ years time with the remainder.