Looking for the Perfect Slab?

Looking for the Perfect Slab?


We don’t list all of our slabs online. That means we have plenty more at our factory in Hastings. So if you’re after something in particular or can’t find what you’re looking for online, reach out and let us know what you’re after.

Once you have filled in the form with the details of what you are after, it will be added to your cart, please proceed through check out (no payment required) and the form will then be sent directly to TWP with all of your details.

Please don’t be surprised if we do not get back to you immediately, it takes time to go through our slabs and choose the right one for the job! We look forward to working with you :)

Enquire About A Custom Slab
Peppercorn MAR19 peppercorn log.jpg
sold out

Peppercorn MAR19

Southern Mahogany JAN01 Southern Mahogany (1).jpg

Southern Mahogany JAN01

Southern Mahogany  JAN16

Southern Mahogany JAN16

Messmate DEC22 Messmate2.jpg
sold out

Messmate DEC22

Messmate NOV10 messmate table 2 feature.jpg

Messmate NOV10
